Innovative Rural Desktop/Digital Library and Resource Center
“Innovative Rural Desktop/Digital Library project” is a sustainable project designed by PAZESA Horticultural Community, to provide the rural under privileged with basic information and access to ICT for effective research, education, networking and knowledge transfer/exchange in Kalichero area of Chiparamba Agricultural block of Chipata district in Zambia. The project has since 2010 created a platform for knowledge exchange, research presentations, and education by coordinating with target groups in the rural areas and service providers. Through the desktop library and internet the community, including rural and marginalized Women, youth groups, cooperatives, students, and teacher, have access to technical know-how manuals, donor databases and their specific funding priorities, and research4life. Computer lessons are also provided, educating and empowering community members and providing them with the skills to access information. The library has been supported by Firelight Foundation of California in United States of America and the US PEACE CORPS.
A community with improved standards of living and improved learning conditions for the marginalized rural poor in Zambia.
1) To improve the learning conditions for the marginalized rural under privileged students, scholars, researchers, youths, women, service providers and the general public (community) in Chiparamba area of Chipata district of Zambia.
2) To create and deliver sustainable ‘Research4life and Development’ Education for the marginalized needy in rural areas of Chipata district of Zambia through ‘Educative desktop/Digital library’ Services (EDL).
3) To facilitate sustainable livelihood skills education to the marginalized, under privileged rural poor in Zambia.
4) To create the ‘Global Innovators’ Network for Rural Development’ in Africa (GINRDA) so as to link and connect the rural community with the researchers, think tanks, donors, NGOs, universities and donor foundations for knowledge transfer, exchange and resource mobilization
1) Provide quality library services to the marginalized rural community through ICT and computer services.
2) Introduce the desktop/digital library to the marginalized community to allow ease access to scientific/social sciences, technical and medical information available to those who need it — researchers, clinicians, students, policymakers and the wider public.
3) Provide a platform for adoption of new innovative ideas to enhance Research4life and Development in rural areas.
4) Provide relevant information for Health, Agriculture, Aquaculture/Fisheries, Appropriate Technology, HIV/AIDS, Basic Children’s Rights, Human Rights and Sustainable Livelihood for Self-Employment to the rural community.
5) Train the rural children, youths and women in how to use computers (provide computer lessons)
6) Provide internet services to the rural community.
Collaborative Partners and Donors
The resource center and the desktop library has been supported by Firelight Foundation of California in United States of America through financial support to construct the resource center/library infrastructure, furniture and procure computers for the library. The US Peace Corps has also supported the library by providing financial support for the computers and providing 2 Peace Corps Volunteers to help implement library services and livelihood skills education.
Remarkable Achievements
• 10 Youths from eight youth groups have completed an introduction to computer lessons course.
• 162 farmers from 37 farmer groups have benefited from the library services through livelihood education.
• 15 Researchers from Chipata Aquacultural Research Station, the US Peace Corps and Msekera Research Station have instituted research4life and development knowledge transfer to marginalized farmers through the innovative library and resource center.
• Establishment of “Global Innovators’ Network for Rural Development’ in Africa” (GINRDA).
a) Inadequate computers and limited resource center/library space to limits number of beneficiaries to be reached.
Future Plans
a) Expanding library infrastructure to accommodate more clients.
b) Procure more computers and high speed internet, furniture and establish a print and binding bay
c) Train library staff in professional librarian service as a development agent, ICT repair and programming.
d) Procure ICT repair kits, supplies and spares.
e) Create viable and sustainable means for project continuum.
f) Introduce ‘Mobile desktop library’
Call for Resource Provision
PAZESA Horticultural Community is hereby calling on all well-wishers, researchers, think tanks, donor foundations, NGOs and learning institutions to support this rural library innovation through either resource provision (both financial and material), capacity building or institutional development. If you are interested email the Executive Director on: or
Empowering the children, youths and women in the rural communities of eastern province of Zambia in Sub-Saharan Africa with viable and sustainable livelihood skills for poverty alleviation,improved food security, HIV/AIDS PREVENTION , CARE and SUPPORT through maximum utilisation of the locally available resources; The project facilitates sustainable Aquaculture(fish farming), conservation agriculture, irrigation farming,agro-forestry, human rights and sexual and reproductive health and rights.