The organisation trains and empowers families to replicate their harvest through conservative irrigation farming and horticulture. This has enabled 200 households to live sustainably with adquate household owned food security all year round, increased income through sale of green maize (off season) and vegetables. The families who used to eat once the other day are able to have 3 meals per day, build better houses, pay for school fees for their children and most interesting adopt some (desserted) orphans into their homes.
This has been possible through financial, technical and material support from Firelight Foundation of California in the USA, TIDES Foundation (USA) and the Global Giving
The organisation empowers families with the skills and resources (seeds and the money maker treaddle pumps) and urges the community to effectively utilise the ever neglected wetlands for food production.
Viable and sustainable integrated horticulture, FISH FARMING and irrigatition farming is the answer and sure weapon with which to effectively alleviate poverty and food insecurity in africa.