PAZESA Horticultural Community

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Anti-Drug and Substance Abuse campaign

Anti-Drug and Substance Abuse campaign Anti-Drug and Substance Abuse campaign Drug and Substance Abuse PAZESA has embarked on an anti-Drug and Substance Abuse to educate the youths in rural areas of Chipata district of ZAMBIA about the dangers of drug and substance abuse; especially Marijuana, Tobacco, Betel nut and alcohol. 70% of all the youths aged 25years in Chiparamba area either abuse or have abused narcotic substance especially marijuana in chiparamba area of chipata district in Zambia. This practise has negative impacts on their lives AND HEALTH; such that very few have managed to finish high education, most youths indulge in juvenile deliquence, theft, violence and practice immoral behavior . Upon taking such drugs youths become careless about casual unprotected sex and as a result 65% are diagnosed HIV positive. To curb this moral degrading cultural practice PAZESA has embarked on an educational awareness program through: • Trainings in the dangers of drug abuse to health and facilitate antidrug abuse campaign positive behavior change • Anti-drug and substance abuse through educative theater. • Training and empowerment in viable and sustainable livelihood skills/activities. • Provision of alternative income generation activities for the youths who sale drugs for a living. We therefore appeal to the well wishers to help us with resources to continue and scale-up the project. If you are interested please contact us on Your logo will be spread on our billboard as the most prominent supporter, donor and partner for this project. PAZESA COMMUNITY -Ensuring good health for the underprivileged poor people of Zambia.

Monday, 5 March 2012


PAZESA Horticultural Community has embarked on mitigating the socio-econonimical impact of HIVAIDS AND POVERTY through facilitation of irrigated food production techniques to GRAND MOTHERS' households keeping orphans and vulnerable children, youths and  women  in chiparamba area of Chipata District of Zambia
The organisation trains and empowers families to replicate their harvest through conservative irrigation farming and  horticulture. This has enabled 200 households to live sustainably with adquate household owned food security all year round, increased income through sale of green maize (off season) and vegetables. The families who used to eat once the other day are able to have 3 meals per day, build better houses, pay for school fees for their children and most interesting adopt some (desserted) orphans into their homes.
This has been possible through financial, technical and material support from Firelight Foundation of California in the  USA, TIDES Foundation (USA) and the Global Giving
The organisation empowers families with the skills and resources (seeds and the money maker treaddle pumps) and urges the community to effectively utilise the ever neglected wetlands for food production.
Viable and sustainable integrated horticulture, FISH FARMING and irrigatition farming is the answer and sure weapon with which to effectively alleviate poverty and food insecurity in africa.


Sunday, 8 January 2012

Food Security for Poverty Alleviation

Food Security for Poverty Alleviation FOOD SECURITY / LIVELIHOOD SKILLS AT PAZESA HORTICULTURAL COMMUNITY IRRIGATION FARMING WOMEN EMPOWERMENT FISH FARMING PAZESA Horticultural Community has embarked on mitigating the socio-economical impact of HIVAIDS AND POVERTY through facilitation of irrigated food production techniques and fish farming to households keeping orphans and vulnerable children, youths and women in Chiparamba area of Chipata District of Zambia. The organisation trains and empowers families to replicate their harvest through conservative irrigation farming and horticulture and fish farming . This has enable 200 households to live sustainably with adequate household owned food security all year round, increased income through sale of green maize (off season) and vegetables. The families who used to eat once the other day are able to have 3 meals per day, build better houses, pay for school fees for their children and most interesting adopt some (disserted) orphans into their homes. BUT HOW? This has been possible through financial, technical and material support from Firelight Foundation of California in the USA, TIDES Foundation (USA) and the Global Giving The organisation empowers families with the skills and resources (seeds and the money maker treadle pumps) and urges the community to effectively utilise the ever neglected wetlands for food production. Viable and sustainable integrated horticulture fish farming and irrigation farming is the answer and sure weapon with which to effectively alleviate poverty and food insecurity in Africa. END HUNGER THROUGH VIABLE AND SUSTAINABLE IRRIGATION FARMING ! Donate: $ 50 to enable one family procure farm inputs $ 100 to enable one family establish a fishpond $ 150 to train 5 families in sustainable fish farming for poverty alleviation $ 200 to enable 2 families create sustainable fish farming $ 300 to enable one family procure sustainable irrigation kit for food security $ 500 to train 10 faimilies in fish farming $ 1000 to empower a youth group with means to raise all year round food security $ 5000 to support the organisation activities for six months $ 10 000 to empower 40 households in food security all year round $ 20 000 to support organisation programs for one year See the donation page for details!You can donate directly or through a tax exempt sponsor; Firelight foundation