PAZESA Horticultural Community

Thursday 25 April 2024

Climate Smart Aquacultural STEM Education Bridges the Gender Gap, brings Financial resilience and Economic empowerment among marginalized girls/women in Zambia – Funded by FREE STEM FUND, UK.

We are most proud and grateful to FREE STEM FUND and Women Win for the grant support which has enabled us to achieve the following results/successes and impact in the last 12 months of this project:


  50 marginalized black indigenous rural girls introduced to computer science for the first time and have been trained in basic computer science and software repair. It is most exciting to see village girls drive computers successfully and teach others.

Ø   16 other black indigenous marginalized girls have learnt “Computer Basics” from the 50 girls directly trained through STEM project

Ø   Procured 5 computers and 1 printer for training the 50 girls in computer science.

Ø   56 women/girls trained and empowered in Mono-sex Aquaculture Technology and value chain marketing and these beneficiaries spearhead community fish breeding at the fish breeding HUB and in the community.

Ø   38 women and girls have established their own fish ponds so they can create sustainable financial resilience through value chain fish enterprise whilst breeding fish for other girls/women in the community.

Ø   96 women/girls trained and empowered in Banana Tissue Culture Technology.

Ø   32, 971 Tissue Cultured Williams Bananas successfully cultured and still planting,

Ø   8 Banana fields integrated with horticulture established.

Ø   3 women groups have started earning income: K58, 630 (€3, 257) from integrated Banana Tissue Culture and Horticulture – paving the way to Financial Empowerment, resilience and sustainability among marginalized indigenous girls/women.

Ø   22, 890 cement blocks, 34 tons of Building sand, 50 tons of River sand procured, using revenue from Aquaculture and Banana Tissue Culture, to establish a Restaurant as Value Chain marketing of Aquaculture Enterprise to enhance organization sustainability and project, scale-up and  continuum.

Ø   K73,540 (€4,085) revenue raised from Climate Smart Aquacultural STEM Livelihoods

Ø   1 Motor cycle procured, using the revenue earned from Climate Smart Aquaculture and Banana Tissue Culture Technology Enterprises, to be transport girls daily to Mkowe Secondary schools (more than 24 kilometers away) from their homes.

Ø   12 double beds procured using revenue from Aquacultural STEM for girls accommodation during incoming STEM Trainings

Ø   34 women and girls have established “Family-Owned Banana Plantations” to enhance Family economic empowerment and Financial resilience

Ø   10 women/girls trained and empowered in installation and repair of Climate Smart Solar irrigation systems have successfully installed 4 solar systems at: PAZESA Horticultural Community, 1 at Chingaipe village and 2 at Tazwela village.

Ø   12 female headed households/families with a total of 124 women and children are benefiting from the STEM Skills of 10 women/girls through solar horticulture installed by girls/women.

Ø   137 women and girls have started earning income from integrated Solar Horticulture and Banana Tissue Culture Plantation -  installed and run by women and funded by FREE STEM FUND/Women Win


Fish raised on this organic feed and conditions grows 60% faster, is tastier and increases household income from living on less than US$0.3/day to US$10/day within 1 year. Thus reducing poverty and creating descent self-sufficient jobs for marginalized people. Amaranthus (Amaranths) is high in edible proteins (16%), amino acids, vitamins, Omega 3 and 6, natural “ovaprim” (molecular formula C18H109CIN24O14) and Cytokinin which promotes rapid fish breeding and growth with improved fish fillet at 4-6 months of age for Tilapia {Rendalli (Red Breast Breams), Andersonii and Niloticus} and Cat-Fish (Clarias Gariepinus). Ovaprim is a potent ovulating/spermiating agent used to promote and facilitate reproduction of many species of fish.  Ovaprim is a stable solution that contains OvaRH and a dopamine inhibitor.  Ovaprim utilizes the fish’s own endocrine system to safely induce maturation and coordinate spawning dates.  When used in the normal spawning cycle, Ovaprim can synchronize and coordinate maturation in treated fish by inducing maturation without affecting viability or fecundity, resulting in highly predictable ovulation, with high egg fertility and viability.

Efficacy and Effectiveness of Amaranthus Biomass fortified Fish Feed

Amaranthus Biomass fortified feed is highly cost effective, 70% cheaper, 98% effective and readily available than Commercial feed and can be produced at the farm using Eco-friendly locally available raw materials. Use natural Ovaprim found in Amaranthus:

·      Induces maturation within a spawning season

·      Advances spawning date

·      Coordinates and synchronize spawning times

·      Increases milt production including increased sperm count

·      Induces maturation in difficult species

·      Induces spawning in the most important and difficult to spawn species

Thank you:



 for financial support

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Climate Smart Aquaculture - Amaranthus Biomass fortified in Soya and sunflower cake boost fish productivity, increases income and reduces poverty- Paul Phiri

Paul Phiri facilitates Climate Smart Aquaculture in Kalichero Community of Zambia to alleviate poverty and improve the lives and livelihoods of marginalized indigenous women , youths and farmers in rural areas . We use Eco-friendly High Protein fish feed made of Amaranthus Biomass, soya and sunflower cake to enhance fish breeding, improve fish quality and improve fish growth rate. Agro-Forestry (specifically Gliricidia Sepium) Biomass is used to fertilizer fish ponds to enhance aquatic bloom, excellent turbidity and phytoplankton growth- natural aerators (oxygen generators) and feed for fish. Fish raised on this feed grows 60% faster, is tastier and increases household income from living on less than US$0.3/day to US$10/day within 1 year. Thus reducing poverty and creating descent self-sufficient jobs for marginalized people. Amaranthus (Amaranths) is high in edible proteins (16%), amino acids, vitamins, Omega 3 and 6, and Cytokinin which promotes rapid fish breeding and growth with improved fish fillet at 4-6 months of age for Tilapia {Rendalli (Red Breast Breams), Andersonii and Niloticus} and Cat-Fish (Clarias Gariepinus).


 Amaranthus Biomass fortified feed is highly cost effective, 70% cheaper, 98% effective and readily available than Commercial feed and can be produced at the farm using Eco-friendly locally available raw materials. At PAZESA Horticultural Community, we strive to create Climate Smart Innovations to reduce poverty and enhance financial resilience among women and youths in rural areas of Zambia. We currently have 30 Climate Smart Fish Ponds in our Fish Breeding HUB and would like to establish 1 Fish feed producing center, Expand Fish Breeding HUB by establishing 100 fish ponds and create a Climate Smart Aquacultural EXPO to educate 42000 farmers and establish a "Farmer-Owned-Fish Enterprise" to shift power to farmers and break the poverty cycle in Kalichero Community Zambia.


More than 30 million people in Southern Africa has signed-up for Aquaculture Knowledge Exchange Learning. So there is urgent need to expand Climate Smart Aquacultural services at PAZESA Horticultural Community in Zambia.

If interested to support, contact the Executive Director, Paul Phiri, on the following email: 

Thursday 24 August 2023

Applied Climate Smart STEM Education Leads to “Financial Freedom, Economic Empowerment and Community Resilience to wildlife conservation in Zambia”

Applied Climate Smart STEM Education brings Financial Freedom, Economic Empowerment and enhances Community Resilience” to wildlife conservation and Climate Change among 418 marginalized indigenous wildlife dependent families through facilitation of viable and Sustainable livelihoods in Zambia.

Through financial, technical and material support from “Women Win (Netherlands)/FREE STEM Fund UK, UNDP/Lions Share Foundation USA, TIKVA Grassroots Empowerment Fund/Tides Foundation USA, Seeds of Wisdom USA, World Connect and International Tree Foundation UK” – PAZESA Horticultural Community has effectively brought Financial Freedom, Economic Empowerment, sustainable self-employment careers/opportunities and enhances Community Resilience to wildlife conservation and Climate Change among 5,698 marginalized women and youths in Kalichero Community in 2022-2023 season in Zambia.


PAZESA Horticultural Community facilitates Climate Smart applied STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in a user-friendly manner to enable marginalized indigenous women and youths develop viable and sustainable livelihoods for poverty alleviation and food security.

Through applied STEM Education, PAZESA Horticultural Community is committed to:

Ø  Increase indigenous youths and women/girls access to Climate Smart applied STEM education for sustainable multi-profit livelihoods.

Ø  Provide career opportunities for marginalized indigenous girls, youth, women, and other traditionally underrepresented groups.

Climate Smart STEM Education and Activities provided are:

Ø  Applied STEM Tissue Culture Technology- Training rural indigenous women/girls and youths in Climate Smart Tissue Culture Technology (The PIF Technology in Banana Tissue culture, Meristem Culture, Embryogenesis & Tree Cloning technology for environmental restoration - Tree Cloning, Grafting, Budding etc)
PURPOSE: To create viable and sustainable alternative livelihoods, reduce poverty, enhance food security, divert and curb community’s dependence on wildlife poaching and enhance community resilience to wildlife conservation.

Donors include: UNDP/Lions Share Foundation USA, TIKVA Grassroots Empowerment Fund USA/Tides Foundation, Women Win/FREE STEM Fund UK, Seeds of Wisdom USA and World Connect USA

Ø  Installation and repair of Solar Technology– Training women/girls and youths in installation and repair of Solar irrigation systems for Sustainable Climate Smart livelihoods (banana production, Aquaculture and horticulture) and solar lights.
PURPOSE: To provide careers opportunities for marginalized women/girls and youths in rural areas of Zambia.

Donors include: Women Win/FREE STEM Fund UK

Ø  Climate Smart Fish Breeding Technology - Training women/girls and youths in Eco-friendly, Climate Smart Aquaculture; Mono-sex Aquaculture, Off-season (artificial) Fish breeding reproduction and Hydro-Biology (Eco-system/water habitat symbiosis).

PURPOSE: To create viable and sustainable alternative livelihoods, reduce poverty, revitalize Chewa Ancestral foods and livelihoods, enhance food security, divert and curb community’s dependence on wildlife poaching and enhance community resilience to wildlife conservation

Donors include: UNDP/Lions Share Foundation USA, TIKVA Grassroots Empowerment Fund USA/Tides Foundation, Women Win/FREE STEM Fund UK, Seeds of Wisdom USA

Ø  Providing access to Computer Technology/services- Training marginalized women/girls and youths in rural areas of Zambia to use computers and providing computer services through a rural community based computer lab/Resources Center.

PURPOSE: To provide careers opportunities for marginalized women/girls and youths and revitalize Chewa Ancestral language and revitalize in rural areas of Zambia.

Donors include: Seeds of Wisdom, TIKVA Grassroots Empowerment Fund USA/Tides Foundation, Firelight Foundation and US Peace Corps/USAID

Since 2007, 8698 marginalized rural youths, women/girls in rural areas have benefited from viable and sustainable hands-on applied STEM education to create their-own careers, Multi-Profit Enterprises and Climate Smart livelihoods through which to alleviate abject poverty, enhance food security, enhance community adaptation and resilience to climate change and facilitate online Farmer-owned multi-profit Enterprises so as to influence mind-set change from wildlife poaching to wildlife conservation through sustainable livelihoods. Climate Smart Applied STEM Education improves the lives and livelihoods and enhance “Financial Resilience and Economic Empowerment” among marginalized women/girls and youths in rural villages in Zambia.


Through STEM Education, the project brings “Financial Resilience and Economic Empowerment” to the door-step of the marginalized, underrepresented women/girls in hard-to-reach remote areas, equips girls currently excluded/trapped in poverty, unable to participate, to create better lives for themselves, to compete, or to contribute to societal progress. 96% of women/girls generally remain trapped in the cycle of poverty because they do not have access to applied STEM for sustainable livelihoods. Applied Education builds the capacity of women/girls to be constructive change-makers to society, enables women/girls to be able to search, discover, develop, and build their personal skills. Advanced STEM enables the development of sustainable livelihoods and business talents, sets the prerequisite for equal opportunity and a society that allows women/girls to realize their full potential.

The project teaches initiatives that help those born into poverty to break the cycle, lower the barriers that disadvantaged women/girls experience as they compete for opportunities that are easily available to the privileged. Our approach focuses on providing abundant and diverse learning experiences beyond the standard curriculum and is based on the premise that to develop your talents, you must first discover them. STEM is a broad platform through which beneficiaries discover their talents and develop sustainable livelihoods.

Below are youths from Kalichero community who have benefited from Climate Smart applied STEM Education and have established their-own sustainable Enterprise:

Mary K Banda trained in installation and repair of Solar irrigation systems (applied STEM) has been able to install and install reliable Solar irrigation system, grows 4,092 Tissue Cultured bananas and earns US$1,743 annually from her Aquaculture integrated Enterprise. Mary is so grateful to UNDP/Lions Share Foundation, TIKVA Grassroots Empowerment Fund, Seeds of Wisdom, World Connect, International Tree Foundation and Women Win/FREE STEM Fund for their financial and technical support.

“I am a 16 year old orphan, a high school student who used to survive through wildlife poaching. From the time I was trained in Climate Smart STEM education and sustainable Livelihoods, I no longer poach fish and otters to raise money because I peacefully (without fear of being arrested) earn enough money from Solar Engineering (installation and repair), Aquaculture and Horticulture Enterprise despite being a high school student. I earn over US$1,743 per year which is 12 times what I used to earn from wildlife poaching. Yes, Applied STEM education has opened my knowledge in Science, Engineering and Technology such that even my academic performance has improved. Yes! I am free from abject Generational Poverty, Free from fears of arrest and imprisonment, free from begging and free from hunger!”, said Mary S Banda

Zikomo kwambiri kwa (Thanks to): UNDP/Lions share, FREE STEM Fund, TIKVA Funds, Seeds of Wisdom and World Connect for your support”, narrated Mary S Banda.

Kalichero Community Action Group pictured below also applauds UNDP, TIKVA Funds, FREE STEM Fund, world connect and international Tree foundation for supporting their applied Stem Climate Smart sustainable livelihoods and Farmer-owned Enterprise. Penner Phiri (Group Secretary) explains what the group has achieved:

Ø  Raised K96, 730 (US$5,373.8) from January 2023 to July 31, 2023 from integrated sustainable livelihoods.

Ø  Multiplied Williams banana planting materials from 100 plants to 16,980 plants through  Tissue culture Technology within 16 months

Ø  Empowered 40 families with disease free Tissue Cultured Williams banana plants

Ø  Cloned/Planted 63,892 trees through Tree Cloning Technology in 2022-2023

Ø  Trained and empowered 218 families in Tree Cloning Technology

Ø  Produced 20 million fish through Climate Smart Aquaculture Science/Technology

Ø  Trained 218 women and girls in installation and repair of Solar irrigation systems

Ø  Passed-on the Climate smart livelihood skills and resources to 28, 987 people since 2007

Elizabeth Phiri (Group Chairperson) is proud that the group has earned 24 times more income than what they used to earn from poaching and charcoal burning within a year.

“We are FREE! FREE From economic gender disparity/slavery!

I urge all donors and development agents to support PAZESA Horticultural community- sustainable livelihoods- to help create “Financial Resilience and Economic Empowerment”, enhance community resilience to climate change and enhance wildlife/environmental conservation among marginalized families/communities dependent on wildlife in Zambia” said Elizabeth Phiri.

If interested please send an email to the Executive Director:


Cell: +260 972 173 886

Monday 14 June 2021

Integrated Mono-sex Aquaculture to revive sustainable livelihoods, restore Ecosystems and alleviate poverty among marginalized Zambians

 PAZESA Horticultural Community, Mono-sex Aquaculture to revive sustainable livelihoods, restore Ecosystems and alleviate poverty. Paul Phiri, Executive Director

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Viable and Sustainable Livelihoods to mitigate the impact of COVID – 19


Project Name: Viable and Sustainable Livelihoods to mitigate the impact of COVID – 19.

Donors: The Lion’s Share

Implementing organization: PAZESA Horticultural Community

Target community: Kalichero and Mambwe areas

Location: Kalichero area, Eastern Province, Zambia, Southern Africa.

PAZESA Horticultural community with support from “The Lion’s Share” intends to facilitate Viable and Sustainable Livelihoods to mitigate impact of COVID - 19 Project in Kalichero, Mphomwa and Mambwe area east of South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, Southern Africa.

The Main aim of the project is to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19, conserve wildlife and strengthen community resilience in communities reliant on wildlife-based ecotourism enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. This effort strives to curb ruthless unruly wildlife poaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. PAZESA will facilitate viable and sustainable livelihoods to enhance food security and reduce poverty so that people refrain from ruthless wildlife poaching to generate income and food.  We intend to establish a fish hub to provide fingerlings and facilitate fish farming training to beneficiaries and the community. The project will uplift the wellbeing of women and youths by alleviating 40% poverty among beneficiaries and enabling beneficiaries to earn US$9 per day; then live on US$3  per day, invest US$3 per day and save US$3 per day. Facilitation of sustainable livelihoods like fish farming, livestock and horticulture production will provide all year round alternative food and stable income for marginalized families so as to divert people’s attention from wildlife poaching to sustainable wildlife conservation and strengthen resiliency in communities reliant on wildlife-based ecotourism enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic.

All credit will go to “The Lion’s Share” for the Humble financial will to the project.

Paul Phiri
Executive Director

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Viable - Sustainable Climate Smart Poverty alleviation and Food Security Initiative

Promoting: “Man-Bio Super Grow Media”- An effective Climate Smart initiative to curb Climate Change

High (abject) Poverty level and food-insecurity caused by Low Agricultural/Aqua-cultural productivity perpetrated by drastic climate change constrain the well-being of the marginalized people in developing countries especially Sub-Saharan Africa.

The average farmers, women, youths and children in rural areas of Southern Africa live under abject poverty (less than $1 USD/day} and eat once the other day especially between December and April of each calendar Year because of low agricultural productivity. Consequently, women and girls are forced to in indulge in prostitution, unprotected sex and extra-marital infidelity just to raise either food, money or both to earn a living. Male youths and adults indulge in Juvenile delinquency, charcoal burning, poaching and illegal fishing using toxins to raise money and food. Therefore, it is cardinal to comprehensively address this inter twinned problem (Poverty-hunger-Food insecurity and low Agriculture productivity chain problem) to improve the well-being of people in Africa. Addressing the problem will enable the world attain Sustainable Development Goal 1 (To End Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger and SDG 3 (Health and
Well-being) of the people everywhere.
This is the ideal time to address the problem because of:
  1. Availability of innovative production Technics to boost Agricultural and Aqua-cultural productivity
  2. Plenty unemployed determined youths and women yearn to do farming enterprise but are being discouraged by Climate Change, low agricultural productivity and poor marketing
  3. Availability of sustainable cost effective solar irrigation systems to ensure production continuum.
  4. The need to create community adaptation and resilience to climate change

To empower young people with viable and sustainable, environmental friendly, climate smart organic farming production technics  to enhance agricultural productivity, boost food security, reduce hunger and reduce poverty levels in Zambia.

A community where farmers have Improved all year round food security (Zero Hunger), increased income, reduced poverty levels, with reduced cost of production and improved climate change adaptation and resilience.

  1. To create rural community responsibility for improved and enhanced agricultural productivity, all year round food security and reduce high poverty levels among 20 Climate Smart Community Educators (Trainers) in Zambia through "Man-Bio Super Grow" technology transfer by September 2020
  1. To facilitate viable and sustainable cost effective , climate smart, innovative ("Man-Bio Super Grow" technology) Agricultural knowledge transfer to 100 farmers in Zambia by September 2020
  2. To facilitate integrated Sustainable Aqua-cultural production among 10 fish farmers Trainers in Zambia by September 2020
  3. To facilitate "Man-Bio Super grow" technology Transfer to 650 in Zambia through knowledge field schools by September 2020

PROJECT METHODOLOGY AND INNOVATION -innovative and scalable (or big and bold)

"Man-Bio Super Grow" is an organic blend of Lime, Manure, Agro-forestry biomass and beneficial Micro- organisms to the soil to enhance (double) agricultural productivity to attain Maximum Economic Yield. The project uses "Appreciative Inquiry" development approach which focuses on the 4 Ds.: “Discovery” (To appreciate best self-personalities, capabilities and community Resources), "Dream" (To enable participants to visualize their desired vision), "Design" To enable participants to plan their destiny) and "Destiny (To enable participants to act on their planned actions to archive their objectives so as to reach their Destiny and do more of their best. This strategy incites the participants to focus on success than problem stacking, to own development activities and ensures project sustainability and continuum.

  1. "Man-Bio Super Grow" boost crop production; Irish potato grown in sacks from less than 1 kg/plant to a minimum of 15 kg/plant for an average rural farmer and from 3 kg to 35 kg for peasant farmers. "Man-Bio Super Grow" increases tomato and vegetable production by 58 %, maize by 40% and citrus by 60%.
  2. Improves soil fertility and minimizes fertilizer use, soil erosion and reduces per-capita cost of production by 50%
  3. It integrates NEW organic farming Technics with cost effective solar irrigation systems for improved all year round agricultural production to enhance food security
  4. Promotes the use of and adherence to conservative, environmental friendly, Innovative, Climate Smart, Manure-Biomass Super Grow media called "Man-Bio Super Grow” Technology for enhanced Agricultural and Aqua-cultural Productivity.
  5. Under Minimum tillage, "Man-Bio Super Grow" used in pot-holes conservation farming, improves soil and field water holding capacity thereby increases plant resistance and adaptation to climate change.
  6. Induces all Year round fingerlings production and fast growth of fecund tasty fillet fish in Tilapia fish species.
  7. User-friendly; beneficiaries will be trained on how to make their own Man-Bio Super Grow to ensure project sustainability, scale-up and replication.
  8. Within 3 years, every farmer will be making their own "Man-Bio Super Grow Media", reduce fertilizer use and reduce inputs' cost by half.
  9. Reduces farmers' Dependency on fertilizer

Who will benefit
130 Women/youths Direct Beneficiaries, 650 women/youths as indirect beneficiaries. Marginalized, underserved farmers of mixed gender in Kalichero 1 and Mnukwa Agricultural Camps in Chipata in Zambia will benefit as follows:

  1. 20 women/youths Educators" to be trained (Training of Trainers) on how to make their own "Man-Bio Super Grow Media" for Climate smart Irish potatoes grown in sacks under cost effective solar irrigation farming.
  2. Each Trained "Educator" will be empowered with the resources to pilot innovative climate smart potato and vegetable production and marketing and leadership skills
  3. 10 women/youths to be trained in Climate Smart integrated Aquaculture value chain production enterprise using super biomass for phyto-plankton bloom
  4. 100 women/youths to be trained and empowered in Innovative Climate Smart True Seed potato and vegetable production and marketing.
  5. 650 indirect beneficiaries to benefit through "Pass-on" impact Multiplier effect during knowledge transfer Field school to maximize project impact

The Photos above are showing the effects of Man-Bio Super Grow Technology on various crops.

Are if interested to support this project/ Please contact us on: 

Thursday 18 July 2019


Each year 15 million people worldwide die between the ages of 30 and 69 from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as heart diseases, cancers, diabetes and respiratory diseases. Over 85% of these people live in low and middle-income countries.

80% of all Non-Communicable Disease related deaths in Zambia are among 30 and 70 years. 75 % of these deaths are caused by Non Communicable Diseases: diabetes, heart disease, respiratory diseases and cancer as consequences result of “High Risk Behaviors” like alcoholism, smoking Tobacco and bad nutrition. Almost three quarters (70%) of these deaths are linked to habits, or risk behaviors, that started in adolescence and go on throughout adult life. The most common ones are lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, alcohol abuse and tobacco use. (Source: Zambia 2016 Demographic and Health Report).

To empower young people with viable and sustainable health knowledge, improved nutrition education, behavior change communication skills, viable and sustainable livelihoods to improve their health and well-being and curb Non-communicable Diseases. 

VISION: A community where youths live a responsible life free from High risk behavior bondage and reduced cases of fatal non-communicable diseases.

1. To improve the well-being of 50 youths in the need to adopt better healthful nutrition to curb non-communicable Diseases in Kalichero area by November 2020.
2. To reduce unhealthful nutritional high risk behavior which leads to non-communicable Diseases among 200 youths in Kalichero area by November 2020.
3. To empower youths with viable and sustainable livelihood skills for enhance health and well-being in Kalichero by November 2020.

“Appreciative Inquiry” (AI) model is the development approached to be used. Being at the ‘Exploring challenges and opportunities stage’, the project will enable the participants/beneficiaries to explore the challenges and consequences of bad habits, high risk behaviors (influential/leading to Non-communicable Diseases) and opportunities and benefits of healthful habits. Appreciative Inquiry focuses on DISCOVERY the BEST in people, the BEST in their organization and the BEST in the world around them, what works BEST, and embarks on doing more of what is most neededThis will drive participants to and community to discover the best in themselves, the best around them and the best in their community and will facilitate behavior change by imploring youths to do more of their best instead of judge and condemn them.
The project will facilitate quality health education on the causes, prevention measures and proven health management therapies theories of Non-Communicable Diseases to improve the well-being of young people in the community, change the mindset of youths and young people, and create community resilience towards non communicable Diseases in Zambia. The project will facilitate ideal health and nutrition education to beneficiaries in the community, facilitate behavior change communication skills and initiate “Tobacco/Alcohol Free Zone Livelihood skills training and recreation center” at PAZESA Resource Center. The Tobacco-smoke/alcohol Free training center will to help youths and young people age between 10 and 30 years to learn livelihood skills to generating food security and nutrition and income to improve their well-being. Coupled with behavior change communication skills, young people will be able to fight, prevent and manage Non Communicable Diseases like, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Lung Cancer, Heart diseases and Respiratory diseases.

PAZESA will promote health dietary and nutrition education to improve the well-being of youths. The following Low glycemic foods will help reduce blood Sugar, High Blood Pressure, high Cholesterol:
Fish (rich in protein, minerals, Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins) increase levels of a hormone called adiponectin which improves insulin sensitivity and lowers the risk of developing full blown diabetes.
Avocado (has low glycemic poly unsaturated fatty acids and poly unsaturated fatty acids)

Cherries/berries, tomatoes contain anthocyanin which protects against diabetes and obesity.

Eat healthy food!                                     Grow your own, it’s cheap and sustainable!

Are you interested to know more about how to maintain your health?
Please sign up and follow our blog. The upcoming articles will give more light on dietary information and nutrition.

Paul Phiri
Executive Director